Tuesday 31 January 2012


Kulfi :-

Ingredients :-
    Condensed milk - 2 cups
    Sugar - 2/3 cups
    Corn flour - 1 tsp
    Nuts  - your choice
    Bread  -1 slice
    Cardamom powder - a pinch
Preparation :-
    If you don't have condensed  milk take 4 cups of whole milk boiled until it becomes 2 cups
    Remove the sides of bread and cut into pieces
    Mix the bread pieces and corn flour in blender by adding some milk
Process :-
    Boil the milk and add sugar
    Allow it boil Then add  bread -corn flour mixture to the boiled milk
    Allow the mixture to boil
    With in 10 min the mixture becomes thick
    Now add nuts and cardamom powder
    Switch off the flame
    Let it cool to room temp
    Transfer it to kulfi moulds and place them in freezer for 6 hours

After 6 hours kulfi is ready

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